Metasense began its journey through the University of Sydney’s accelerator program, INCUBATE – Class 13. As rates of melanoma across Australia were on the rise then as they are now, our founder, Dr. Reza Behi, was in collaboration with a Harvard Medical doctor and Google research fellow. What followed was the development of a multifunctional platform to help detect and manage skin health and early-stage cancers. Metasense’s proprietary product, SafeSpot – a portable, wearable, point-of-area diagnostic tool and eHealth platform detects those at high risk of developing skin cancer. It was through Incubate – Class 13, that Dr. Reza was able to gain exposure into different areas essential in building a successful enterprise, such as technology and marketing. The program overall provided the necessary traction for Metasense to move forward in working to achieve its vision of a safer workplace. The connections made with renowned mentors and people working within similar spaces of the industry as Metasense proved to be invaluable, as it opened the door to a multitude of opportunities for Metasense.